Class ProbabilityFunction

  extended by pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.DiscreteFunction
      extended by pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ProbabilityFunction
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ProbabilityFunction
extends DiscreteFunction


See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  BayesNet bn
protected  java.util.Vector properties
Fields inherited from class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.DiscreteFunction
values, variables
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor for a ProbabilityFunction.
ProbabilityFunction(BayesNet b_n, DiscreteVariable[] pvs, double[] v, java.util.Vector prop)
          Constructor for ProbabilityFunction.
ProbabilityFunction(BayesNet b_n, int n_vb, int n_vl, java.util.Vector prop)
          Constructor for ProbabilityFunction.
ProbabilityFunction(DiscreteFunction df, BayesNet b_n)
          Constructor for ProbabilityFunction.
ProbabilityFunction(DiscreteFunction df, double[] new_values)
          Constructor for ProbabilityFunction.
Method Summary
 void add_property(java.lang.String prop)
          Add a property to the current ProbabilityFunction.
 double evaluate(int[] value_indexes)
          Evaluate a function given a (possibly partial) instantiation of variables through the markers.
 double evaluate(java.lang.String[][] variable_value_pairs)
          Evaluate a function given a list of pairs (Variable Value) which specifies a value of the function.
 double expected_value(DiscreteFunction df)
          Obtain expected value of a DiscreteFunction The current implementation is very limited; it assumes that both the ProbabilityFunction object and the DiscreteFunctions object has a single variable, and the variable must be the same for both functions.
 java.util.Enumeration get_enumerated_properties()
          Get an Enumeration with the properties of the current ProbabilityFunction.
 int get_position_from_indexes(int[] variable_indexes)
          Get position in a function from a (possibly partial) instantiation of variables through the indexes.
 java.util.Vector get_properties()
          Get the properties of the current ProbabilityFunction.
 double posterior_expected_value(DiscreteFunction df)
          Obtain posterior expected value of a DiscreteFunction This assumes that the probability values are unnormalized, equal to p(x, e) where e is the evidence.
 void print( out)
          Print method.
(package private)  void process_properties()
 void remove_property(int i)
          Remove a property in a given position in the current ProbabilityFunction.
 void remove_property(java.lang.String prop)
          Remove a property in the current ProbabilityFunction.
 void save_xml_0_3( out)
          Save the contents of a ProbabilityFunction object into a PrintStream in the XMLBIF v0.3 format.
 void save_xml( out)
          Save the contents of a ProbabilityFunction object into a PrintStream.
 void set_properties(java.util.Vector prop)
          Set the properties.
 void set_value(java.lang.String[][] variable_value_pairs, double val)
          Set a single value of the probability function.
 double variance(DiscreteFunction df)
          Calculate the variance of a DiscreteFunction.
Methods inherited from class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.DiscreteFunction
evaluate, get_index, get_indexes, get_position_from_indexes, get_value, get_values, get_variable, get_variables, memberOf, multiply, normalize_first, normalize, number_values, number_variables, print, same_variables, set_value, set_values, set_variable, sum_out
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.util.Vector properties


protected BayesNet bn
Constructor Detail


public ProbabilityFunction()
Default constructor for a ProbabilityFunction.


public ProbabilityFunction(BayesNet b_n,
                           int n_vb,
                           int n_vl,
                           java.util.Vector prop)
Constructor for ProbabilityFunction.


public ProbabilityFunction(BayesNet b_n,
                           DiscreteVariable[] pvs,
                           double[] v,
                           java.util.Vector prop)
Constructor for ProbabilityFunction.


public ProbabilityFunction(DiscreteFunction df,
                           double[] new_values)
Constructor for ProbabilityFunction.


public ProbabilityFunction(DiscreteFunction df,
                           BayesNet b_n)
Constructor for ProbabilityFunction.

Method Detail


void process_properties()


public void set_value(java.lang.String[][] variable_value_pairs,
                      double val)
Set a single value of the probability function.


public double evaluate(java.lang.String[][] variable_value_pairs)
Evaluate a function given a list of pairs (Variable Value) which specifies a value of the function.


public double evaluate(int[] value_indexes)
Evaluate a function given a (possibly partial) instantiation of variables through the markers. The markers indicate which variables are present in the function to be evaluated.


public int get_position_from_indexes(int[] variable_indexes)
Get position in a function from a (possibly partial) instantiation of variables through the indexes.


public double expected_value(DiscreteFunction df)
Obtain expected value of a DiscreteFunction The current implementation is very limited; it assumes that both the ProbabilityFunction object and the DiscreteFunctions object has a single variable, and the variable must be the same for both functions.


public double posterior_expected_value(DiscreteFunction df)
Obtain posterior expected value of a DiscreteFunction This assumes that the probability values are unnormalized, equal to p(x, e) where e is the evidence. The current implementation is very limited; it assumes that both the ProbabilityFunction object and the DiscreteFunctions object has a single variable, and the variable must be the same for both functions.


public double variance(DiscreteFunction df)
Calculate the variance of a DiscreteFunction. The current implementation is very limited; it assumes that both the ProbabilityFunction object and the DiscreteFunctions object has a single variable, and the variable must be the same for both functions.


public void save_xml_0_3( out)
Save the contents of a ProbabilityFunction object into a PrintStream in the XMLBIF v0.3 format.


public void save_xml( out)
Save the contents of a ProbabilityFunction object into a PrintStream.


public void print( out)
Print method.

print in class DiscreteFunction


public java.util.Vector get_properties()
Get the properties of the current ProbabilityFunction.


public void set_properties(java.util.Vector prop)
Set the properties.


public java.util.Enumeration get_enumerated_properties()
Get an Enumeration with the properties of the current ProbabilityFunction.


public void add_property(java.lang.String prop)
Add a property to the current ProbabilityFunction.


public void remove_property(java.lang.String prop)
Remove a property in the current ProbabilityFunction.


public void remove_property(int i)
Remove a property in a given position in the current ProbabilityFunction.

i - Position of the property.