Uses of Class

Packages that use ByteSet
pt.tumba.ngram.compression Implementation of the compression-based classification technique described in the papers "Towards Parameter-Free Data Mining" and "The Similarity Metric", respectivelly by Ming Li and Keogh et al. 

Uses of ByteSet in pt.tumba.ngram.compression

Fields in pt.tumba.ngram.compression declared as ByteSet
private  ByteSet PPMModel._excludedBytes
          Storage for the excluded bytes
(package private) static ByteSet ByteSet.EMPTY_SET
          An empty set.

Methods in pt.tumba.ngram.compression with parameters of type ByteSet
 void ByteSet.add(ByteSet that)
          Adds all the members of specified set to this set.
 void PPMModel.exclude(ByteSet bytesToExclude)
          Exclude all of the bytes in the specified byte set.
private  void PPMNode.interval(byte b, ByteSet excludedBytes, int[] result)
          Calculates the interval for the specified byte from this node and writes it into the specified array.
(package private)  void PPMNode.interval(int i, ByteSet excludedBytes, int[] result)
          Calculates the interval for the specified byte from this node and writes it into the specified array.
 void ExcludingAdaptiveUnigramModel.interval(int symbol, int[] result, ByteSet exclusions)
          Compute the resulting interval to code the specified symbol given the specified excluded bytes.
(package private)  void PPMNode.intervalEscape(ByteSet excludedBytes, int[] result)
          The interval for the escape count, less the set of excluded bytes.
(package private)  boolean PPMNode.isChildless(ByteSet excludedBytes)
          Returns true if this node has no children, not counting specified exclusions.
(package private)  boolean PPMNode.isDeterministic(ByteSet excludedBytes)
          Returns true if the number of children for this node is 1.
(package private)  int PPMNode.pointToSymbol(int midCount, ByteSet excludedBytes)
          Retrieves the symbol for which the midCount is between its low and high counts (inclusive on low, exclusive on high).
 int ExcludingAdaptiveUnigramModel.pointToSymbol(int midCount, ByteSet exclusions)
          Return the symbol corresponding to the specified count, given the specified excluded bytes.
 void ByteSet.remove(ByteSet that)
          Removes all the members of specified set from this set.
 void ByteSet.restrict(ByteSet that)
          Removes all the elements of this set that are not in the specified set.
(package private)  int PPMNode.totalCount(ByteSet excludedBytes)
          Total count for this node, not including those bytes in the specified set.
 int ExcludingAdaptiveUnigramModel.totalCount(ByteSet exclusions)
          Total count for interval given specified set of exclusions.