Package pt.tumba.ngram.svm

Implementation of Support Vector Machines classification and regression that can be used to categorize text files using N-Grams as features.


Class Summary
Cache SVM Kernel Cache, implementing a least recently used (LRU) policy.
Kernel Abstract interface to model an SVM Kernel.
ONECLASSQ Inner class representing a Kernel matrix for SVM Distribution Estimation.
Solver Generalized SMO+SVMlight algorithm Solves: min 0.5(\alpha^T Q \alpha) + b^T \alpha y^T \alpha = \delta y_i = +1 or -1 0 <= alpha_i <= Cp for y_i = 1 0 <= alpha_i <= Cn for y_i = -1 Given: Q, b, y, Cp, Cn, and an initial feasible point \alpha l is the size of vectors and matrices eps is the stopping criterion solution will be put in \alpha, objective value will be put in obj
SolverNU Solver for nu-svm classification and regression additional constraint: e^T \alpha = constant
SVCQ Inner class representing a Kernel matrix for Support Vector classification.
SVM Construct and solve various formulations of the support vector machine (SVM) problem.
SVM.decisionFunction Inner class modeling the data for the SVM decision function, used for classifying points with respect to the hyperplane.
SVMCategorizer Simple, easy-to-use, and efficient software for SVM classification and regression, based on the LIBSVM implementation of Chin-Chung Chang and Chin-Jen Lin.
SVMModel SVMModel encondes a classification model, describing both the model parameters and the Support Vectors.
SVMNode SVMNode is used to model dimentions in vectors.
SVMParameter Constants and Parameters used used in the SVM package.
SVMProblem Class to model an SVM Problem, containing both the training vectors and the class (value) associated with each vector.
SVRQ Inner class representing a Kernel matrix for Support Vector regression.

Package pt.tumba.ngram.svm Description

Implementation of Support Vector Machines classification and regression that can be used to categorize text files using N-Grams as features.
A support vector machine is a supervised learning algorithm developed over the past decade by Vapnik and others (Vapnik, Statistical Learning Theory, 1998). It operates by mapping the given training set into a possibly high-dimensional feature space and attempting to locate in that space a plane that separates the positive from the negative examples.