Class ConstantDensityBoundedSet

  extended by pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.DiscreteFunction
      extended by pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ProbabilityFunction
          extended by pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.QBProbabilityFunction
              extended by pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.FinitelyGeneratedSet
                  extended by pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.TwoMonotoneCapacity
                      extended by pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ConstantDensityBoundedSet
All Implemented Interfaces:, MappingDouble

public class ConstantDensityBoundedSet
extends TwoMonotoneCapacity

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
private  double k
          The "size" of the density bounded class.
Fields inherited from class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.QBProbabilityFunction
lower_envelope, upper_envelope
Fields inherited from class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ProbabilityFunction
bn, properties
Fields inherited from class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.DiscreteFunction
values, variables
Constructor Summary
ConstantDensityBoundedSet(ProbabilityFunction pf, double kk)
          Constructor for a ConstantDensityBoundedSet given a ProbabilityFunction object and given constant.
Method Summary
 double get_atom_probability(int index)
          Get a base probability value for an atom.
 double get_lower_probability_from_base(double p)
          Obtain the lower probability of an event given the base probability for the event.
 double get_upper_probability_from_base(double p)
          Obtain the upper probability of an event given the base probability for the event.
Methods inherited from class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.TwoMonotoneCapacity
expected_values, map, posterior_expected_values, posterior_marginal
Methods inherited from class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.QBProbabilityFunction
get_lower_envelope, get_upper_envelope, print, print
Methods inherited from class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ProbabilityFunction
add_property, evaluate, evaluate, expected_value, get_enumerated_properties, get_position_from_indexes, get_properties, posterior_expected_value, process_properties, remove_property, remove_property, save_xml_0_3, save_xml, set_properties, set_value, variance
Methods inherited from class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.DiscreteFunction
evaluate, get_index, get_indexes, get_position_from_indexes, get_value, get_values, get_variable, get_variables, memberOf, multiply, normalize_first, normalize, number_values, number_variables, same_variables, set_value, set_values, set_variable, sum_out
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private double k
The "size" of the density bounded class.

Constructor Detail


public ConstantDensityBoundedSet(ProbabilityFunction pf,
                                 double kk)
Constructor for a ConstantDensityBoundedSet given a ProbabilityFunction object and given constant.

Method Detail


public double get_lower_probability_from_base(double p)
Obtain the lower probability of an event given the base probability for the event.

Specified by:
get_lower_probability_from_base in class TwoMonotoneCapacity


public double get_upper_probability_from_base(double p)
Obtain the upper probability of an event given the base probability for the event.

Specified by:
get_upper_probability_from_base in class TwoMonotoneCapacity


public double get_atom_probability(int index)
Get a base probability value for an atom.

Specified by:
get_atom_probability in class TwoMonotoneCapacity