Uses of Class

Packages that use NGram
pt.tumba.ngram The TCatNG Toolkit is a Java package that you can use to apply N-Gram analysis techniques to the process of categorizing text files. 

Uses of NGram in pt.tumba.ngram

Fields in pt.tumba.ngram declared as NGram
static NGram[] NGram.known
          An array with the known N-grams.

Methods in pt.tumba.ngram that return NGram
static NGram NGram.newNGram(byte[] bytes)
static NGram NGram.newNGram(byte[] bytes, int start)
static NGram NGram.newNGram(byte[] bytes, int start, int length)
static NGram NGram.newNGram(byte[] bytes, int start, int length, double count)
static NGram NGram.newNGram(java.lang.String str)

Methods in pt.tumba.ngram with parameters of type NGram
 double EntryProfile.getRank(NGram ng)
          Gets the ranking position of a given N-gram.
 double Profile.getRank(NGram gram)
          Gets the ranking position of a given N-gram.
 double DataProfile.getRank(NGram gram)
          Gets the ranking position of a given N-gram.
 double EntryProfile.getWeight(NGram ng)
          Gets the weighting score of a given N-gram.
 double Profile.getWeight(NGram gram)
          Gets the weighting score of a given N-gram.
 double DataProfile.getWeight(NGram gram)
          Gets the weighting score of a given N-gram.

Constructors in pt.tumba.ngram with parameters of type NGram
NGram(NGram ng)
          Constructor for the NGram object which copies another N-gram.