Uses of Interface

Packages that use Profile
pt.tumba.ngram The TCatNG Toolkit is a Java package that you can use to apply N-Gram analysis techniques to the process of categorizing text files. 

Uses of Profile in pt.tumba.ngram

Classes in pt.tumba.ngram that implement Profile
 class DataProfile
          A Profile stores N-gram frequency information for a given textual string.
 class EntryProfile
          A Profile stores N-gram frequency information for a given textual string.

Methods in pt.tumba.ngram that return Profile
 Profile NGramCathegorizer.match(Profile prof)
          Match a given Profile against all the profiles constituting the models in the cathegorizer.

Methods in pt.tumba.ngram with parameters of type Profile
 void NGramCathegorizer.addProfile(Profile prof)
          Add a new Profiles to the list of models.
 java.lang.String LanguageClass.classify(Profile prof)
          Guess the language of a given text according to its NGram profile.
static double NGramCathegorizer.deltaRank(Profile prof1, Profile prof2)
          Calculate "the distance" between two profiles, using the metric proposed by Cavnar & Trenkle.
 Profile NGramCathegorizer.match(Profile prof)
          Match a given Profile against all the profiles constituting the models in the cathegorizer.
static double NGramCathegorizer.profileDistance(Profile prof1, Profile prof2)
          Calculate "the distance" between two profiles, according to the metric selected while instantiating this class.
static double NGramCathegorizer.similarityJiang(Profile prof1, Profile prof2)
          Calculate "the distance" between two profiles, using Jiang's & Conranth similarity measure, as proposed in "Semantic Similarity Based on Corpus Statistics and Lexical Taxonomy".
static double NGramCathegorizer.similarityLin(Profile prof1, Profile prof2)
          Calculate "the distance" between two profiles, using Lin's similarity measure as proposed in "An information-theoretic definition of similarity".