Packages that use ByteSet | |
pt.tumba.ngram.compression | Implementation of the compression-based classification technique described in the papers "Towards Parameter-Free Data Mining" and "The Similarity Metric", respectivelly by Ming Li and Keogh et al. |
Uses of ByteSet in pt.tumba.ngram.compression |
Fields in pt.tumba.ngram.compression declared as ByteSet | |
private ByteSet |
Storage for the excluded bytes |
(package private) static ByteSet |
An empty set. |
Methods in pt.tumba.ngram.compression with parameters of type ByteSet | |
void |
ByteSet.add(ByteSet that)
Adds all the members of specified set to this set. |
void |
PPMModel.exclude(ByteSet bytesToExclude)
Exclude all of the bytes in the specified byte set. |
private void |
PPMNode.interval(byte b,
ByteSet excludedBytes,
int[] result)
Calculates the interval for the specified byte from this node and writes it into the specified array. |
(package private) void |
PPMNode.interval(int i,
ByteSet excludedBytes,
int[] result)
Calculates the interval for the specified byte from this node and writes it into the specified array. |
void |
ExcludingAdaptiveUnigramModel.interval(int symbol,
int[] result,
ByteSet exclusions)
Compute the resulting interval to code the specified symbol given the specified excluded bytes. |
(package private) void |
PPMNode.intervalEscape(ByteSet excludedBytes,
int[] result)
The interval for the escape count, less the set of excluded bytes. |
(package private) boolean |
PPMNode.isChildless(ByteSet excludedBytes)
Returns true if this node has no children, not counting
specified exclusions. |
(package private) boolean |
PPMNode.isDeterministic(ByteSet excludedBytes)
Returns true if the number of children for
this node is 1 . |
(package private) int |
PPMNode.pointToSymbol(int midCount,
ByteSet excludedBytes)
Retrieves the symbol for which the midCount is between its low and high counts (inclusive on low, exclusive on high). |
int |
ExcludingAdaptiveUnigramModel.pointToSymbol(int midCount,
ByteSet exclusions)
Return the symbol corresponding to the specified count, given the specified excluded bytes. |
void |
ByteSet.remove(ByteSet that)
Removes all the members of specified set from this set. |
void |
ByteSet.restrict(ByteSet that)
Removes all the elements of this set that are not in the specified set. |
(package private) int |
PPMNode.totalCount(ByteSet excludedBytes)
Total count for this node, not including those bytes in the specified set. |
int |
ExcludingAdaptiveUnigramModel.totalCount(ByteSet exclusions)
Total count for interval given specified set of exclusions. |