Class Cache

  extended by pt.tumba.ngram.svm.Cache

public class Cache
extends java.lang.Object

SVM Kernel Cache, implementing a least recently used (LRU) policy. Since the Kernel is fully dense and may not be stored in computer memory, elements of the Kernel matrix are calculated as needed. The cache simply stores the more recently used elements, reducing the computational cost of later iterations.

Since final iterations usually need few columns of the kernel matrix, most evaluations can be avoided at the end.

Bruno Martins

Nested Class Summary
private  class Cache.CacheNode
          Inner class representing a Cache node.
Field Summary
private  int l
          The number of total data items.
private  Cache.CacheNode lru_head
          The first node in the LRU cache.
private  Cache.CacheNode[] nodes
          The Nodes in the cache.
private  int size
          The cache size limit in bytes.
Constructor Summary
Cache(int l, int size)
          Constructor for Cache
Method Summary
private  void deleteLRU(Cache.CacheNode h)
          Delete a node from the cache.
(package private)  int getData(int index, float[][] data, int len)
          Returns free space in the cache.
private  void insertLRU(Cache.CacheNode h)
          Insert a node in the cache (at the last position).
 void swapIndex(int i, int j)
          Swap two nodes in the cache.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private final int l
The number of total data items.


private int size
The cache size limit in bytes.


private final Cache.CacheNode[] nodes
The Nodes in the cache.


private Cache.CacheNode lru_head
The first node in the LRU cache.

Constructor Detail


public Cache(int l,
             int size)
Constructor for Cache

l - The number of total data items.
size - The cache size limit in bytes.
Method Detail


private void deleteLRU(Cache.CacheNode h)
Delete a node from the cache.

h - The node to delete.


private void insertLRU(Cache.CacheNode h)
Insert a node in the cache (at the last position).

h - The node to insert.


int getData(int index,
            float[][] data,
            int len)
Returns free space in the cache. [0,len)

index - The least recently used index at the cache.
data - The data to store in the Cache.
len - maximum length of the data to store in the Cache.
some position p where [p,len) need to be filled (p >= len if nothing needs to be filled)


public void swapIndex(int i,
                      int j)
Swap two nodes in the cache.

i - Position in the List for the first node.
j - Position in the List for the second node.