Uses of Class

Packages that use SVMModel
pt.tumba.ngram.svm Implementation of Support Vector Machines classification and regression that can be used to categorize text files using N-Grams as features. 

Uses of SVMModel in pt.tumba.ngram.svm

Fields in pt.tumba.ngram.svm declared as SVMModel
protected  SVMModel SVMCategorizer.model
          Description of the Field

Methods in pt.tumba.ngram.svm that return SVMModel
static SVMModel SVM.svmLoadModel(java.lang.String model_file_name)
          Loads a trained SVM model from disk.
static SVMModel SVM.svmTrain(SVMProblem prob, SVMParameter param)
          Train the SVM.

Methods in pt.tumba.ngram.svm with parameters of type SVMModel
private static void SVMCategorizer.predict( input, output, SVMModel model, int predict_probability)
static int SVM.svmCheckProbabilityModel(SVMModel model)
static void SVM.svmGetLabels(SVMModel model, int[] label)
static double SVM.svmGetSVRProbability(SVMModel model)
static double SVM.svmPredict(SVMModel model, SVMNode[] x)
static double SVM.svmPredictProbability(SVMModel model, SVMNode[] x, double[] prob_estimates)
static void SVM.svmPredictValues(SVMModel model, SVMNode[] x, double[] dec_values)
static void SVM.svmSaveModel(java.lang.String model_file_name, SVMModel model)
          Outputs a trained model to disk, for use in future classification tasks.