Uses of Interface

Packages that use MappingDouble
pt.tumba.ngram.bayes Implementation of Bayesian Network Classifiers that can be used to categorize text files using N-Grams as features. 

Uses of MappingDouble in pt.tumba.ngram.bayes

Classes in pt.tumba.ngram.bayes that implement MappingDouble
 class ConstantDensityBoundedSet
 class ConstantDensityRatioSet
 class TotalVariationSet
 class TwoMonotoneCapacity

Methods in pt.tumba.ngram.bayes with parameters of type MappingDouble
(package private)  double Bracketing.perform(MappingDouble function, double x1, double x2, double x_accuracy)
          Perform bisection.
(package private)  double Bracketing.perform(MappingDouble function, int function_type, double x1, double x2, double x_accuracy)
          Perform bisection.