Uses of Class

Packages that use TwoMonotoneCapacity
pt.tumba.ngram.bayes Implementation of Bayesian Network Classifiers that can be used to categorize text files using N-Grams as features. 

Uses of TwoMonotoneCapacity in pt.tumba.ngram.bayes

Subclasses of TwoMonotoneCapacity in pt.tumba.ngram.bayes
 class ConstantDensityBoundedSet
 class TotalVariationSet

Methods in pt.tumba.ngram.bayes with parameters of type TwoMonotoneCapacity
private  void GeneralizedChoquetIntegral.bound_negative(TwoMonotoneCapacity tmc, DiscreteFunction df, java.util.Vector sorted_values, double[] lps, double[] ups)
          Obtain the lower and upper probability for the event { df(x) < sorted_value[i] }
private  void GeneralizedChoquetIntegral.bound_positive(TwoMonotoneCapacity tmc, DiscreteFunction df, java.util.Vector sorted_values, double[] lps, double[] ups)
          Obtain the lower and upper probability for the event { df(x) > sorted_value[i] }

Constructors in pt.tumba.ngram.bayes with parameters of type TwoMonotoneCapacity
GeneralizedChoquetIntegral(TwoMonotoneCapacity tmc, DiscreteFunction df)
          Calculate the lower and upper Choquet integrals using Walley's generalization, for a total variation neighborhood.