A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y _


BIF - Static variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BayesNet
BIF - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.XMLInterchangeFormat
BUFFER_SIZE_MULTIPLIER - Static variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.compression.ByteBuffer
Number of contexts that fit in the buffer without shifting.
BUGS - Static variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BayesNet
BayesClassifier - Class in pt.tumba.ngram.bayes
Implementation of Bayesian Network Classifiers.
BayesClassifier() - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BayesClassifier
BayesInterchangeFormat - Class in pt.tumba.ngram.bayes
BayesInterchangeFormat(InputStream) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BayesInterchangeFormat
BayesNet - Class in pt.tumba.ngram.bayes
BayesNet() - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BayesNet
Default constructor for a BayesNet.
BayesNet(String, int, int) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BayesNet
Simple constructor for a BayesNet.
BayesNet(String, Vector) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BayesNet
Simple constructor for a BayesNet.
BayesNet(BayesNet) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BayesNet
Simple constructor for a BayesNet; creates a copy of a given network.
BayesNet(String) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BayesNet
Construct a BayesNet from a textual description in a string.
BayesNet(InputStream) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BayesNet
Construct a BayesNet from a textual description in a stream.
BayesNet(URL, String) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BayesNet
Construct a BayesNet from a textual description in an URL.
BayesNet(URL) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BayesNet
Construct a BayesNet from a textual description in an URL.
BayesianLogReg - Class in pt.tumba.ngram.blr
Simple, easy-to-use, and efficient software for Bayesian Logistic Regression classification, based on the "Bayesian Logistic Regression Software" package by Alexander Genkin, David D.
BayesianLogReg() - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.blr.BayesianLogReg
Construct an uninitialized Cathegorizer.
BayesianLogReg(String) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.blr.BayesianLogReg
Construct an Cathegorizer from a whole Directory of resources.
BayesianLogReg(String[]) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.blr.BayesianLogReg
Construct an Cathegorizer from a List of resource file names.
BeginToken() - Method in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ASCII_CharStream
BeginToken() - Method in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream
BitInput - Class in pt.tumba.ngram.compression
Reads input from an underlying input stream a bit at a time.
BitInput(InputStream) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.compression.BitInput
Constructs a bit input from an underlying input stream.
BitOutput - Class in pt.tumba.ngram.compression
Writes to an underlying output stream a bit at a time.
BitOutput(OutputStream) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.compression.BitOutput
Construct a bit output from the specified output stream.
Bracketing - Class in pt.tumba.ngram.bayes
Perform bisection to find the root of a function (described by an object that implements the MappingDouble interface), which must lie between x1 and x2.
Bracketing() - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Bracketing
Bucket - Class in pt.tumba.ngram.bayes
Bucket(BucketTree, ProbabilityVariable) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Bucket
Bucket(BucketTree, ProbabilityVariable, boolean) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Bucket
BucketTree - Class in pt.tumba.ngram.bayes
BucketTree(Ordering) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BucketTree
Simple constructor for BucketTree.
BucketTree(Ordering, boolean) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BucketTree
Constructor for BucketTree.
ByteBuffer - Class in pt.tumba.ngram.compression
Stores a queue of bytes in a buffer with a maximum size.
ByteBuffer(int) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.compression.ByteBuffer
Construct a context buffer of given maximum size.
ByteSet - Class in pt.tumba.ngram.compression
A set of bytes.
ByteSet() - Constructor for class pt.tumba.ngram.compression.ByteSet
Construct a byte set.
b - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.svm.Solver
backup(int) - Method in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ASCII_CharStream
backup(int) - Method in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream
backward_maximization() - Method in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BucketTree
backward_pointers - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Bucket
backward_pointers - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BucketTree
beginColumn - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the last character of this token.
beginLine - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the last character of this token.
below - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.DSeparation
beta - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.blr.BayesianLogReg
bif015 - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.InterchangeFormat
bitPlusFollowFalse() - Method in class pt.tumba.ngram.compression.ArithEncoder
Write a false bit, and then a number of true bits equal to the number of bits to follow.
bitPlusFollowTrue() - Method in class pt.tumba.ngram.compression.ArithEncoder
Write a true bit, and then a number of false bits equal to the number of bits to follow.
bn - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BucketTree
bn - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.DSeparation
bn - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Expectation
bn - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Explanation
bn - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Inference
bn - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Ordering
bn - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ProbabilityFunction
bn - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ProbabilityVariable
bn - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.SaveBugs
bound_negative(TwoMonotoneCapacity, DiscreteFunction, Vector, double[], double[]) - Method in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.GeneralizedChoquetIntegral
Obtain the lower and upper probability for the event { df(x) < sorted_value[i] }
bound_positive(TwoMonotoneCapacity, DiscreteFunction, Vector, double[], double[]) - Method in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.GeneralizedChoquetIntegral
Obtain the lower and upper probability for the event { df(x) > sorted_value[i] }
bucket_for_variable - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Inference
bucket_forest - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Inference
bucket_status - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Bucket
bucket_tree - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Bucket
bucket_tree - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BucketTree
bucket_tree - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Explanation
bucket_tree - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Inference
bufcolumn - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ASCII_CharStream
bufcolumn - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream
buffer - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ASCII_CharStream
buffer - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream
buffer(byte) - Method in class pt.tumba.ngram.compression.ByteBuffer
Add a byte to the end of the context, removing first element if necessary.
buffer - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.svm.SVRQ
bufferBit() - Method in class pt.tumba.ngram.compression.ArithDecoder
Reads a bit from the underlying bit input stream and buffers it.
bufline - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ASCII_CharStream
bufline - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream
bufpos - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ASCII_CharStream
bufpos - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream
bufsize - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ASCII_CharStream
bufsize - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream
build_evidence_markers(ProbabilityFunction, boolean[]) - Method in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.BucketTree
build_new_function(boolean) - Method in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Bucket
build_new_variables(DiscreteFunction, int[], boolean, int) - Method in class pt.tumba.ngram.bayes.Bucket
byteToInteger(byte) - Static method in class pt.tumba.ngram.compression.ByteSet
Returns integer code for the specified byte.
bytes - Variable in class pt.tumba.ngram.NGram
Array of bytes storing the N-gram.
bytes() - Method in class pt.tumba.ngram.compression.ByteBuffer
Current array of bytes backing this byte buffer.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y _